Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Things You Don't Learn...But You Will Learn

The institute of school teaches us the basic skills needed to function in a developed society. How to read, write, add/subtract, rationalize and analyze and explore. What school does not essentially teach us is how to live your life in a world where change and outcomes are not predetermined. Unlike a math problem or a sentence fragment where there is a formula or a solution that can be used to solve a problem, life does not always provide us with the perfect solution. Learning in life comes from the best teacher : TIME. The longer you live in life the more knowledge you will gain that will prove to be valuable to you at some point in your life, and if not your life, somebody else's life. Holding the highest degree from the most prestigious university in the world will not come with knowledge on how to deal with the sudden passing of a loved one, how to understand when a person is trying to take advantage of you, how to break up with a boyfriend or girlfriend or how to determine when you should stand out to make a point or silently protest to make the same point. The beauty of knowledge is that it is never ending and always attainable. As human beings we have to be able to first recognize that life is not only a learning experience, but that life is also a teacher. Everybody can learn not only from themselves but they can also learn from the lives of other individuals that have walked this earth. Drawing from the negative and positive experiences of those that have and are walking this earth is an education that one can attain until their last breath on this earth. Understand that there are many things to be learned in this world that are not in a book and that will never be written. The breath you breathe is your gateway to life's education.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. Well said. Life is a learning experience in and of itself.
