Wednesday, November 5, 2008

THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther Kings Jr, Rosa Parks, Frederick Douglas, THE BUFFALO SOLDIERS, W.E.B. Dubois, Booker T. Washington, Nat Turner, Marcus Garvey, Medgar Evers, Dick Gregory, DR. CARTER G. WOODSON, Barbara Jordan, John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Thurgood Marshall, Stokley Carmichael, Mary McLeod Bethune, TUSKEGEE AIRMEN, John Brown, Linda Brown, Abraham Lincoln, Dred Scott, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Ralph Albernathy, Coretta Scott King, Betty Shabazz, Jim Brown, Muhammad Ali, Ida B. Wells, The Little Rock Nine.all others that are not mentioned unintentionally...THANK YOU ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your perseverance, strength, bravery, courage, faith, pride, and your ability to stand up for what is right is the reason that We As AFRICAN AMERICANS CAN FINALLY THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR WORK AS A PEOPLE WITH A FINISHED PRODUCT...EVERYTHING that you all had a vision of seeing and believed could be done was accomplished on November 4, 2008. Barack Obama was elected the 44Th President of The United States By The People Of The United States. No Racism is not now non-existent in the United States of America; it is definitely still here, and the reactions to Obama's victory has reinforced this fact to everybody alive and breathing. But this man is and has become the finished product of the vision that we as a people have had since slavery. Being able to become something that at one time in our nation's history was not foreseeable, is simply overwhelming to many individuals in this country, both Black and White. We as human beings and citizens in this country need to take time to reflect and appreciate the event that just took place in our country. This was more than a Presidential election; this was about a people seeing fruits of their labor in a forever struggle for equality. Barack Obama you have embarked on your destiny. This happened, because it was supposed to happen. the People made it happen. In the same way, that the people made forms of segregation legal and life so difficult for blacks, the people have seen there effort make it possible for a Black President of The United States of America. THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HAVE CRIED, BLED, and DIED for November 4, 2008.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

~The Man Obama~

Barack Obama....Barack Obama !!!!! Barack Obama ????? "Barack Obama."

No matter how you say this man's name, or no matter how you view or feel about this man, there is only one thing that everybody, Democratic, Independent, or Republican can conclusively agree on in regards to this man. Senator and Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama is a man that has never been seen before by the United States of America. He is what the country in all of its complete success and triumphs has produced the years and centuries of unprecedented progress and struggle. The first thing anybody notices about Barack Obama is the color of his skin. Even with his status, this visual fact is what people notice about him. All of his other attributes, that of being a man of high intelligence, high scholastic achievement, charisma, charm, highly esteemed principles, confidence, humbleness, and love, are obliged initially in regards to his skin color. There are many in this country that do not feel this way, yet there is a greater number of individuals that do feel this way. This man is on the verge of making history, simply because of his skin color. This is how the American Public views this election, and this view is rightfully justified, because if Barack Obama wins he will become the first Black President in The history of The United States of America. But lets take a Look at this man from a scholastic viewpoint. Has the United States of America ever had a President "hopeful with the academic background of Barack Obama ? This is a man that that graduated from Harvard Law School and became the first black man to become President of the Harvard Law Review. Do You think he encountered the type of scrutiny and backlash for that position, as he has encountered during his run for President of The United States ? Of Course he hasn't, but this just goes to show where people are in regards to acceptance. Could it be that citizens of this country aren't able to accept him as a President because they are so much different then he is (in contrast to those at Harvard Law School. All at The Harvard Law School we "on the same page/level, working for law) and that their background and heritage will not allow the to "Change." I feel that it is time for "Change." If a person were listening to the two candidate's background and history, and listened to their views and plans of action in regard to the United States, without knowing skin color, it is fairly obvious he would win this race convincingly. America needs to wake up and realize that our problems in this country are bigger than black and white. There are poor black people and there are poor white people. Poverty is not racist, poverty doesn't discriminate. Poverty hits any and everybody. Gas prices affect everybody. Unemployment affects everybody. In McCain you have a man that has supported actions that have led the United States to its present state. Now ask yourself do you really think it would be good to put a man like this in power ? Barack Obama is a man that has made his plan for this country clear to you, and hasn't had to lean on irrelevant (War Stories ) experience to sway a voter, or had to rely on smearing and untruthful reports to gain The American Public's Trust. I Endorse Barack Obama because he is a man of great intelligence, an eloquent speaker, a leader, accomplished, a Man of God, and a person that shows me that as a Black Man, I can achieve anything I want to, in spite of circumstances.