Thursday, September 1, 2011

Michael Vick = Transformation

Michael Vick is transformation. On the field he is transformation. Off of the field he is transformation. In life we are all presented with different opportunities in our life that allow us to spearhead growth in our lives. Sometimes these opportunities are presented by coincidence, some by other people and sometimes out of necessity. Michael Vick's transformation has been the result of a domino effect of events that has taken place in his life. His life as a child to his imprisonment over dog fighting charges have been documented, both accurately and inaccurately. The environment which Vick grew up in and was a product of lead him to the dead end which was short term imprisonment. The transformation which Michael Vick has made in his life since he was released has been nothing less than amazing. On the field he has developed into an all around quarterback; off the field he has become a humanitarian, activist and inspiration for all people that have encountered obstacles to proceed forward with a positive attitude, humbleness and faith. At this time in America, Michael Vick is an example of what resiliency is all about. Vick has experienced the highest of highs, the lowest of lows and now that he has been blessed with the opportunity to experience triumph again, he is able to have a resounding effect on a society that is constantly encountering setbacks and seeking triumph.

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